Four Hot Party Trends

Party Trends Metallics

Four Hot Party Trends

Today there are trends for everything! Including party themes, party foods, cocktails and even decorations!  Here are some of the top party trends to make a great impression!

Metallic Tones

Metallic tones in your decor as well as in the theme that you create for the party can be a fun and cool element for creating a magical environment. Natural stone and copper as well as other types of metals can have the perfect look for building a fun theme with your party.

2018 Party Trends

Backdrops with Greenery

Green backdrops that include the look of various plants, natural greenery and even some fake flowers can make for a lot of fun with your party trends for 2018. Including an accent wall that your guests can take pictures in front of, can be a huge help when you are building a beautiful focal point of your party. It looks stunning!

Party Trends Comfort Food

Comfort Food

Elegant appetizers are a thing of the past! And comfort food is the trend!!  Everyone is coming to parties looking for items like milkshakes, doughnut trays, sweet potato fries, and more. Classic toppings like ranch to red pepper jelly are becoming the staples for dips as well.

Party Trends Cocktails

Modern Cocktail Stations

People are learning more about cocktails and they are interested in trying some more classical drinks such as old-fashioned bourbon, tequila cocktails, and craft beer. Having all the items on hand to make a great and very classic cocktail with fresh ingredients can leave a big impression. And it creates a fun environment!

This post was brought to you by Wehpah Party App. Wehpah has the latest party trends for you and remember if you are planning a party, no matter how big or small or what kind of party –  use Wephah App – coming soon!

What party trends do you see in 2018? Let us know in the comments below!

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Hi! I am Ani, a working mother and wife with a passion for celebrations and creating memories with my family and friends. Everything started when I got engaged, then I had the bridal shower, bachelorette party and of course, the big day “The Wedding Day”. Not long afterwards I had my first baby and with that, the gender reveal, baby shower, the religious ceremony, first year birthday party…. And all the celebrations you can imagine! Ever since then I have been looking for ways to make party planning more fun, convenient, and affordable for everyone and that is how Wehpah was born! Wehpah is a full service party planning app that allows you to organize, select the best vendor, and pay for the services you want at your next event!


  • March 29, 2018

    Excellent Information Ani!! You have shared most common party trends which are really beneficial.


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