How to Write an Enticing Class Reunion Invitation that Everyone Wants to Attend
If you are the one in charge of planning your class reunion, it is safe to say that you are probably in the 15% of people in your class who are super excited about this upcoming reunion.
The rest of the 85% is probably on the fence or have no interest in reliving their high school memories. Chances are that most of your graduating class has Facebook. Before, class reunions were a great way to catch up and see what your classmates have been up to. Today, if they were really interested in knowing, they would have Facebook stalked those people already. So now the real important question is how do you inspire people to come out, relive those good times and have an amazing time at their class reunion? One so spectacular that they will want to start planning the next one before this one ends?

Create an Invitation
A Remarkable Class Reunion Invitation
It all starts with a remarkable class reunion invitation. The main goal of putting together an invitation is to figure out a way to inspire people to come out for their high school reunion. Instead of writing a formal invitation, you may want to consider ways to be persuasive as well as ways to look enticing for them to come.
Inspire Nostalgia
One of the best ways to do this is to inspire nostalgia. Remind them what it was like in the year they graduated. A headline can be
“We Survived Y2K!!”
if this is the graduation class of 2000.
Remember when we all thought there was going to be a widespread computer programming disaster? You can also include a little flyer that has fun tidbits about what was funny, interesting, and fun events that happened during the year that they graduated.
The front of the invitation can be a collage of old photos of different groups of kids hanging out at school.
Try to avoid photos of parties where not everyone was included. It is also important to make sure that you include all different groups and cliques of your high school class so that you make sure that everyone feels included.
Make sure that the invitation has a lighthearted and casual tone. Another fun tagline for your invitation can be,
“To the class who survived high school without Google.”
Figure out ways that make your class better and different than the high school graduating classes of today. Highlight what makes your graduating class so different and fun. Answer the questions of why they should come. You want to figure out ways that people who may not have felt included in their high school years can get their second opportunity to make the connections they wish they had in high school.
So remember to send out an invitation that doesn’t take this too seriously and inspires people to have fun, no matter what their high school experience may have been!
Reunion Invitation Wording Ideas
Here are some wording ideas to consider:
You are cordially invited to
Carondelet High School Class of 1997 35th Reunion
Saturday, September 22nd, 2020
Social Hour at Five O’Clock pm
Dinner and Dance to follow
It’s hard to believe it’s been 50 years.
Come and reminisce with the class of 1970.
Menlo Atherton High School Class Reunion
Sunday, June 29th, 2021
7:00 to 10:00 pm
Please join your fellow Spartans for a night of
glamour and elegance as we celebrate our 30th reunion.
Sunday, July 21, 2020, at Six O’clock in the evening
De La Salle High School Gymnasium
Attire: red carpet chic.
Please join us in celebrating the
Class of 2010
Dinner & Dancing
Sunday, May 14th, 2020 at 6 pm
Buck’s Roadhouse
Please RSVP
With pride and joy, we invite you to join us for the
Reunion of Marin Catholic High School Class of 1976
Sunday, June 26th at 4 pm
The graduating class of 2010
invites you to our 10th class reunion
Friday, June 15th, 2020
Cocktails, followed by dinner
Create an Invitation
Do you have class reunion planning suggestions? Please let us know in the comments below!
Paul Winter
I’m interested in an Invitation for our 55th High School Class Reunion. We are thinking about a Disco, Fiesta party theme (theme dress up required for entry) starting with Friday night dinner, entertainment & dance. The second day of late breakfast, afternoon historical tour including zoo and evening jazz concert and after party.
Jennifer Skarakis
We are happy to create a custom invitation for you with any theme you choose! Please contact us and we will start creating!
Shiela Manabal
We are planning for a Christmas Batch Reunion Party this coming December 11th or 12th. The team is WE SURVIVED!! It will starts at 3PM. Dinner, games, intermissions to follow. If course will also follow health protocols Hope you can help me. Thank you
Jennifer Skarakis
Hi Shiela! What a great theme! Please let us know how we can help. We are happy to create a free custom invitation design for you. You can sell event tickets and collect donations with Sendo Invitations as well! Please contact us for help with your whole event process!
Carly Brown
Try sendomatic.com, They assist with ALL planning and have a system that keeps track of ticket sales, and more! Good luck to you and your classmates : )
Great ideas for a class reunion invitation!