How to Host a Memorable Virtual Baby Shower
With a bit of planning and some creativity, you can host a baby shower that is memorable and will lift everyone’s spirits. A virtual baby shower isn’t what you imagined the celebration of your child would be. But due to the present circumstances, it is a good substitute to see your loved ones while also celebrating this new life. Here are some tips on hosting a virtual baby shower.

Pick a video chat service
There are many different and great live-streaming virtual chat services out there. Choosing one depends on how many people you would like to chat with, what platform may be easiest for everyone to access, and even how long you would like the virtual party to stream for. Check out Zoom, Skype or Google Meet to see which platform fits best for you. Some services are free and some you have to pay for.

Host smaller virtual parties
If you have too many people on a video chat all chiming in can be very distracting and confusing. It may be best to host a baby shower with multiple smaller families so that it feels more intimate. Not only are you getting to celebrate a fun event, but you are getting to visit with loved ones. Host one party for your partner’s side of the family, then your side of the family, and then one for friends. You can use the same format for each. The beauty of virtual parties is they are easy to set up and don’t require much time. Having more than one gathering is a possible task!

Send out virtual invitations
At Sendo, we have beautiful online baby shower invitations that you can send through email and text. This is a great way to let everyone know what date and time to have the virtual baby shower as well as giving everyone a heads up in advance regarding the platform just in case they need to download the app. Remember the older generation when sending a virtual invite. They may need more help when it comes to setting this up. You may need to do a trial run with them before the actual event. Make sure to include detailed instructions for using the app. Also, include links to your baby registry so that your guests know what baby gear you need.

What do you do at this virtual party?
You can have guests send or drop off their gifts ahead of time so that you can open each of their gifts in front of them. You can even play the fun games that you would have planned at an actual baby shower.
Virtual Baby Shower Game Ideas
- Belly Measuring – Have each guest guess the circumference of mother’s tummy. Measure the tummy on the video call. The closest measurement is the winner!
- Who’s that Baby – Before the party ask guests to submit a baby photo of themselves. Make a photo montage of all the photos. Show the collection on the video call and ask guests to decide which baby is who on the call.
- Famous Mother’s Quiz – Show photos of famous mothers with their children. Have guests guess who they are!
Game prizes can be gift cards that you can immediately email to the winners or email after the party.
A thoughtful idea to start off the baby shower is to have each person share a meaningful memory about the parents-to-be. This is a great ice breaker and often the stories will be funny or thoughtful.
Record the baby shower
Most video platforms will offer the ability to record the event. This is a great record of your event to enjoy for years to come. Don’t forget to set the platform to record your shower.
Dress up and pamper yourself
As you would at an in-person baby shower, dress up, and get ready for the event. Even though it is an online event, wear your favorite dress or color. Put on make-up and get prepared for your special day.
Where to host
Choose a place in your home that is bright and cheery! Your living room, dining room, or even outside. Decorate the space with flowers, balloons, or baby items. Many stores sell props and items to decorate for baby showers. You don’t need much decor, but a few festive items will make it special.
If you don’t want to decorate and are hosting your baby shower on Zoom, consider uploading a Zoom party background. Your chosen background will show up behind your image on a Zoom meeting – no need to decorate!

While a virtual baby shower is great, you can always look forward to doing something in person once quarantine restrictions are lifted. A Sip and See party is a great idea to do after the baby is born and when you feel comfortable having people around your baby.

Do you have any virtual baby shower ideas? Please let us know them in the comments below!