DIY Gift Wrap Ideas For The Holidays

DIY Gift Wrap Ideas For The Holidays

The holidays are in full swing! With family in town, parties to plan, and cookies to be baked, there’s plenty to do before the holidays arrive. This season, we put together a list of 4 of our favorite DIY gift-wrap ideas to set your gifts apart from the crowd! While it is the season for giving, sometimes the wrapping it comes in can be the icing on the cake you need to make your loved one’s holiday. See below for our favorite wrapping!

1. Paint Splatter


Not all DIY gift wrap has to be complicated! We love this painted take on brown wrapping paper. Take some white paint and splatter it on the paper, or simply paint on the pattern that you want. Let the paper fully dry before wrapping your presents with it, and top it off with greenery or a minimal ribbon!

2. Pink Reindeer


Wrapping presents for kids? This reindeer wrapping paper jobs are almost as fun as the presents inside of them! Kids will love seeing these under the tree on Christmas morning – plus, they’re super easy to make! Just check out Studio DIY for the few parts you’ll need 🙂

Source: Studio DIY

3. Ice Cream Cone


You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream! How fun is this little ice cream cone on a present? While the colors shown aren’t necessarily holiday-themed, they can easily be switched out to work for any holiday!

All you need is:

  • Kraft wrapping paper
  • Yarn
  • A small pom pom, or a button
  • Brown paper or brown felt
  • Tape, double-sided tape, and glue

4. Stitched Star


Who doesn’t love a little surprise inside?? You can make them into any shape but are best used for smaller gifts that don’t have any sharp edges. While it helps to have a little sewing experience, you can simply use a needle and thread if need be. This is our favorite gift-wrap DIY because it’s so different – we hope you can have a little fun with it!

  • Black, white, and brown poster paper
  • A sewing machine/needle and thread
  • A star template
  • Scissors
  • Confetti/tinsel pieces

Source: A Pair And A Spare DIY

If you’re gearing up for your next holiday party, be sure to check out our online party invitations in our holiday collection! Choose your holiday invitation here.

DIY Gift Wrap Ideas For The Holidays


  • December 27, 2017


    Ice cream cone is very cute.


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