How to Make your Baby Sprinkle Party Shine
The celebration of a new life is always a fun and happy affair. It would be sad to do it only once and only for your firstborn because truly each baby is special. While you may not need all the baby stuff like strollers, onesies, or bottles but you may still want to celebrate a new life and excitement of the anticipated addition to your family in a different way. So the lovely baby sprinkle was invented. If you are throwing a baby sprinkle, here are some tips to ensure the party is one to be remembered.
Keep the baby sprinkle party intimate
When you are thinking of the guest list, keep it small and only to close family and friends. A baby sprinkle party is a more casual affair without the need to invite all those distant relatives or acquaintances. While baby showers are larger, a baby sprinkle is all about showing the expecting mom support and focusing on celebrating the new life rather than helping the new parents with all the baby items that they will need.
Include the new big sister or big brother
Introducing a new addition to the family can be exciting but it can also be a bit of a challenge for someone who is about to become a big sister or a big brother. Including them in the celebration is a great way to help the expecting parents help transition their little one into this new family dynamic. Giving them a big brother or big sister gift is a great way to include them in the celebration and be proud of their new upcoming role.
Location is key
There are many wonderful places to host a baby sprinkle you may be wondering which one will fit your guest list. If you are looking to host only a small amount of guests, you may want to consider reserving a couple of tables at a local restaurant. You can still add a bit of party decor to the tables by bringing your own centerpiece and balloons for the guest of honor. If you want to invite a larger group but still want a casual feel to the party, consider throwing this party at home. If it is nice outside, a backyard is a perfect place to throw a baby sprinkle.
Pick a theme
A theme always helps make a party even more special while also making it easier to plan. You can include this theme in the invitations, the decor, and even in the food ideas. Some fun themes to consider are Donuts and Diapers, Sprinkled with Love, Sprinkle and Shine.
Don’t forget the invites
While this is a more casual affair, don’t forget to send the invites! Email invitations are a great option. Check out all our wonderful designed online baby shower invites that would go perfectly for any baby sprinkle theme. They are animated with gorgeous hand-drawn elements that give them a special touch. With many designs to choose from, you can ensure that you will find the perfect one.
Games & Activities
While you don’t have to play all those typical baby shower games where you measure the mom’s belly or diaper changing race, it is fun to include a nice activity during a baby sprinkle party. A fun game is to have every guest give the mom-to-be a classic children’s book wrapped and decorated based on the book. The mom needs to guess what the book may be based on the clues. If she guesses it correctly, the guest can get a prize. For a more crafty crowd, a group paint-by-numbers is a fun activity to do while also still able to socialize.
Any way you can personalize this baby shower to the new expanding family will make their baby sprinkle one that they will never forget. Having these memories are a great way to share with their child when they are older so that they can see how excited their arrival was.